LA Backup Partners
Renea Capozzi, BA, CBE, CD, PES, CLC, EO IPC A
Renea Morales, BA, CBE, CD, PES, CLC, EO IPC, Owner Uban Village Birth Services
Renea is a student midwife, a certified natural birth educator and doula with the Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth (Bradley). Renea is experienced in and supports all birth options: Natural, Medicated, VBAC, and C-Section births, and surrogacy.
She supports all birth methods: Bradley, Birthing Within, Hypnobirthing, Hypnobabies, Lamaze, and more. Urban Village Birth Services Include: Pregnancy Planning, Birth Eduation, Birth Doula, Pospartum Doula, Placenta Encapsulation Services, Belly BInding, Breastfeeding Support, Essention Oil products.
To learn mor about Renea and Urban Village, go to Urban Village Birth Services.
Lysa Quealy, CD(DONA), CMT, HCHD
Lysa Quealy, CD(DONA), CMT, HCHD, Owner Beach City Doula
Having experienced both a ceasaren section and an unmedicated vbac birth Lysa brings an unusal perspective to the birthing experience. Lysa is a DONA Certified Birth Doula, State Certified Massage Therapist, and Hypnobabies Doula. Lysa believes that women are born with the inner strength and wisdom to birth their babies, and while medical intervention can be necessary, it is not mandatory. She aspires to educate women on options, alternatives, birth resources, information, and to also provide full support through the sacred journey of birth.
Lysa has attended a variety of births, some using natural pain control, labors requiring medication, cesarean sections, medical inductions, homebirths, hypnobirthing and water births. All births are beautiful and all families deserve support! Looking for a doula I can help. Beach City Doula Services Include: Birth doula services, Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy massage, Infant massage, Postpartum massage, Breastfeeding support
To learn mor about Renea and Urban Village, go to Beach City Doula.