You may wonder what sorts of tools I use to help moms manage discomfort, relax and find focus during labor.  My bags are full of tools to provide counter-pressure, reduce anxiety and otherwse help you through the intense feelings and emotions of birth. Here's a look at some of those tools. They might include: Cold packs  • Massage oil  •  Small hand massage tools  •  Movement: rocking, swaying, lunging, rolling on a ball  •  Positioning: Numerous positions to relieve discomfort and open the birth passage  •  Cool cloths  • Guided imagery  •  The wall, the floor, doorways or whatever flat surface at our disposal  •  Beds, tables, pillows, blankets  •  An amazing number of common kitchen gadgets.


If you are a Nesting Instincts client, use of our labor tubs is part of our service. We do require, however, that you purchase a liner for the tub, a hose, and the correct adapter to hook the hose to a sink in your home. Click the links below to purchase just the liner or to purchase a liner, pool cover, hose, and universal adapter. SELECT THE MAXI SIZE for the liner.

How to Use a TENS Unit for your birth

Click on the image to learn about TENS Units use in labor